Do you want a website? Call it insane, but TCorp has just announced totally forever free website hosting – for all my clients over $400 – now you don’t have to be a personal friend of mine to get an abnormally cheap website. Lookin’ at you Junior aka and! Oh and my contra-deal with Aum Productions ( since I’m paid in tickets to their awesome Psy-Trance music festival events.
Our direct debit agreement is like insurance against big website bills because your monthly bill will never go up unless you agree to it! Our “pay what you think it’s worth” retainer based system is based on an internally calculated rolling average of the time we have used on your project.
Your regular payment will never go up by surprise or without your express consent usually confirmed as a single click on an email proposal. But you can call and email me with questions and issues to sort without concern for bills; I will only ask for an increase if I feel the amount of time spent is becoming too large.
Cancellation is just as simple by email and never results in any drop in service and your website stays online hosted in USA at Dreamhost.
But seriously, paying pros to make websites can get expensive so depending on your skill and ability to put in effort to *build your own website yourself with my help*, it’s usually between $160 and $800 for me to set you up with whats called self-hosted WordPress, and I can even do fixed monthly service to pay off a large project over longer period.
Our hosting is forever free so that we can just focus on providing great service to you, not milking you for cost-free automation and toiling over quotes and project sign-offs.
See our services page for more info. Basically dream up something that will use at least $400 of my time, which at $80/hr would be about 5 hours, and boom…. you’re own website sorted. Whether you pay in one hit, or ten payments of forty, it can work.
Fine Print
See here for the legal stuff – but there’s no catch, it’s sensible: no illegal / objectionable content, and no personal backups – just websites.