I'm currently downloading Qubes OS from 120+ peers via bittorrent!!

It's fun to download large popular files with BitTorrent. Take for example the security focussed OS that the great philosopher and patriot Edward Snowden runs:... Qubes OS. I would say the killer feature is the way it colours the windows of applications used in the GUI: black = trusted base level, the bare metal host OS, yellow = AppVM 1 which is this diagram is running most of the user apps like Thunderbird, VLC, Office, Firefox etc, red = firewalled untrusted sub-systems like USB peripherals and ephemeral WiFi connections, which appeared to be forced through a green = firewall running Fedora (wowzer!) and is also organising the connectivity for the sys-whonix VM that houses your decentral-VPNs such as Tor, and disposable VMs such Tails.

So Qubes OS is really hot right now! I'm setting up my first install of a highly available WordPress cluster that will power the in-store POS terminals of a retail store opening soon in Newmarket. This will let me (hopefully) run Xen Orchestration on the shop WordPress/WooCommerce/WebPOS cluseter while also browsing the web and checking my email if you get my drift.

omg im downloading qubes os from 120 other people spread across the globe look

omg im downloading qubes os from 120 other people spread across the globe look

The banner on my linode box is so big its notcompatible with git

Hmmm, that's odd I get this error:

fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: curr

I wonder if it has anything to do with my oversized sshd banner?

ssh linode.funk.nz 
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| .~~~~~~~~~.    .~~.~~.     .~~~~~. .~.~~~.      ..~~~~~~~~~.       .~~~~~~~~~~..        .~~~~~~~~ | 
linode.funk.nz // tune in live at we.funk.nz 
___________    // subscribe__  funk.nz/amu 
\_   _____/ __ __   ____  |  | __      ____  ________ 
|    __)  |  |  \ /    \ |  |/ /     /    \ \___   / 
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\___  /   |____/ |___|  /|__|_ \ /\ |___|  //_____ \ 
\/                \/      \/ \/      \/       \/ 

UFOs be up in this shit. http://we.funk.nz 

Linux linode.funk.nz 4.19.0-22-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.260-1 (2022-09-29) x86_64


My Awaken Democracy app just got nominated for an APAC Business Award!

Awaken Democracy App DemoAn app demo I created (Awaken.guru) to encourage and increase voter turnout and generally improve democracy - by making it more direct - just got nominated in the 7th annual APAC Business Awards, on behalf of APAC Insider:

Firstly, we would like to congratulate you on receiving a nomination!

Here at APAC Insider, we are excited to recognise the continued efforts of companies both big and small across the APAC region who have shown enormous commitment and passion over the past 12 months.
Entries opened: Monday 27th June 2022
Entries closing: Monday 22nd August 2022
Winners to be announced: October 2022

Fingers crossed I guess...?! Wish me luck!