You are purchasing:
1. Enterprise grade 24/7 Network Monitoring by Huntress in Maryland USA. Same product as the Pro Plan, but does not include free backups and restore.
2. Includes a home-baked cyber boot camp coaching idea over the long term.
I also can help with open-source multimedia software
Eventually, clients will be given access to a web-app focussed on enabling you to in the implementation of NIST Cyber-Security 2.0 framework. The diagram below is a “wireframe storyboard” of Percussion IS application in construction.
Currently I only just launched the initial alpha version
Percussion Infosec backup service in Avondale plus Huntress endpoint protection service run from USA available now.

Customers who do join during this period will lock-in this crazy low price price for the next 2 years, by which time it will be worth considerably more. Call me on 021 257 6422.
This type of operation is in fact normally called a SOC or Security Operations Centre. This type of arrangement enables the magic of Managed EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) for managed disaster recovery and response. EDR software is installed on machines are your premises, that lets Huntress and Tomachi Corp filter out false positives, so you can focus on your business not hackers. Think of it as a network anti-virus / anti-malware software for Mac or Windows.
Then you can rest easy knowing a scrum of power-nerds is slaving over a hot computer somewhere in USA scouring the packets for any virus, worm, trojan or ransomware. Huntress also provide training, Office365
Low levels of false positives.
All going to plan, the monitoring is uneventful. In the unlikely case of a malware breach or cyber-attack, a human will send both my company and yours a hand-written email, and likely a call or a txt if it is serious. Before long you’d get a call from Tom Atkinson in Avondale possibly before you even realised there was a problem; to discuss solutions and potential onsite visit.
Most people who try to install intrusions detections themselves, say on their corporate firewall or router get buried in a wall of false positives that mean nothing in the end. Having a human-led SOC (Security Operations Centre) brings subtle benefits: both Tomachi Corporation and yourself will be immediately alerted to any confirmed or potential malware intrusion provided by Huntress Security, and access to their dashboard:
Together, this is a powerful suite of managed security solutions that will proactively protect your internal endpoints, provide training to improve your team’s cyber acumen, and defend against business email compromise attacks. Please checkout their case studies.
Cybersecurity Education
The program includes extras such as “Security Awareness Training” , Engaging content and customizable phishing simulations to prepare your end users to identify and avoid threats.
Managed Identity Protection
MDR for Microsoft 365 Secure the cloud identity accounts in your environment from threats, powered by our Security Operations Center.
Centralize collection of logs and events in your environment, powered by Huntress Security Operations Center. Leverage the Huntress Smart Filtering Engine to address vulnerabilities before they disrupt business operations. Managed log collection for SMBs (small to medium business) is designed to balance data collection and cost with detailed reporting and data export.